The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) Child Support Grant Affidavit is crucial for applying for a child support grant. Completing this form accurately is essential to ensure a smooth application process. This guide simplifies the form-filling process, ensuring clarity and ease of understanding.

Step-by-Step Guide
- Personal Information:
- Surname and Full Names: Fill in your surname and full name.
- Identity Number: Provide your South African ID number.
- Age: Enter your age.
- Residential Address: Write your full physical address, including the postal code.
- Child’s Information:
- Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth: Enter the child’s full name and date of birth. If you’re applying for more than one child, attach a list with additional children’s names.
- Place of Birth: Indicate the name of the clinic or hospital where the child was born.
- Child’s ID Number: Provide the child’s ID number, if available.
- Caregiver/Parent Status:
- Indicate whether you are the primary caregiver or biological parent of the child. Delete the option that does not apply.
- Confirm that you are not being paid to care for the child and that the child does not reside in a state-funded institution.
- Marital Status:
- Select your marital status by marking the appropriate box (Married, Civil Union, Customary Union, Asiatic Religion, Unmarried, Never Married, Divorced, Widow/Widower, Deserted for more than 3 months).
- If applicable, fill in the details of your (ex) spouse/partner, including full names, surname, and ID.
- State reasons if you don’t have certain documents like an ID Document, Decree of Divorce, or Death Certificate of your (ex) spouse/partner.
- Sources of Income:
- List all types of income, such as salary, profits from business, maintenance received, rental income, etc.
- Indicate the source of income for yourself, your spouse, dependant, or child, or mark N/A if not applicable.
- Survival Means (If No Income):
- If there is no source of income, explain how you and/or your spouse currently survive.
- Declaration and Signature:
- Read the declaration statement carefully.
- Sign the document or provide a thumbprint as a deponent.
- The Commissioner of Oaths will certify that you understand the contents of the declaration, and you must sign/thumbprint in their presence.
- Commissioner of Oaths:
- The Commissioner of Oaths will fill in their details, including the date, place, name, and rank/force number.
- Ensure the Commissioner of Oaths places their official stamp on the document.
Completing the SASSA Child Support Grant Affidavit requires attention to detail and accuracy. Ensure all information is true and correct to avoid delays in the grant application process. Once completed, submit the affidavit to the appropriate SASSA office.